Transport for clients under 65 years of age
Are you Eligible
You may be eligible to register for subsidised transport services if you are living independently with or without family, or in supported accommodation aged 18 years and under 65 years – not receiving an NDIS Plan.

• If you are transport challenged due to short term or long term medical concerns or require post-operative care and not able to drive or use public transport.
• If you require transport support to and from your place of employment due to short term or long term medical concerns, as above.
• If you need transport to various medical or hospital appointments which may include GPs, rehabilitation programs, physio, pathology and other post-operative care appointments.
• If you experience disability, mental health or ongoing health issues that makes it unsafe for you to drive or access public transport.
• If you need community access for essential day-to-day living i.e shopping and social inclusion ( visiting family, attending social outings).
• If you are a carer for anyone who is experiencing any of the above.